With some potent astrological transits happening next week, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what it means for each star sign

As the intensity of Eclipse season paired with the Mercury retrograde simmers down, we are now entering one of the sweetest months of 2024. Before we officially turn the new page, April is closing out with some potent astrological transits. 

On April 28, Mars joins Neptune in Pisces, marking the end of a significant spiritual phase spanning two years. This transit brings closure, where we may physically and energetically feel the completion of a cycle. Two days later, the warrior planet enters Aries, signifying a new chapter and revving up our ambition. In the coming weeks, our actions will be driven by passion and enthusiasm, pushing us towards our goals.

On April 29, Venus enters Taurus, drawing our focus to self-value, we may be inclined to treat ourselves with extra gentleness. Just one day later, the planet of love forms a square with Pluto in Aquarius, bringing hidden challenges in relationships or finances to light. More often than not, Plutonian lessons can be hard pills to swallow, but they are also the catalysts for healing and growth. The transformations that Pluto brings continue into the first week of May, as the planet begins her six-month retrograde period in the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn. Whenever a planet retrogrades, it is an invitation for us to pause and reflect. In the theme of Plutonian death-and-rebirths, we are encouraged to confront hidden truths and reassess unhealthy power dynamics. Remember, changes that occur over the course of Pluto retrograde are here to benefit us in the long run, even if we might not understand it now. 

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The week by rising sign

Set new goals, tend to your finances, and learn to fall in love with yourself. What does the brand-new you want to achieve in the next two years?

You’re willingly diving into spiritual growth now, a journey that will ultimately benefit your self-perception and the lens through which you see the world.  

Dive into the future head first, there’s a vision that only you can see, and only you’re meant to achieve. Lean into your spiritual connection for extra support. 

You’re ready to make your mark and go for what you want, especially when it comes to your career. Your friends and community are here to support your vision. 

You’re brave, courageous and ready to explore the world. As you remove yourself from your comfort zone, you’re rewarded with abundant financial opportunities. 

There’s a new way that you’re approaching all things deep, intimate, or taboo—you’re going into it braver now. You’re enjoying learning and broadening your horizon. 

New relationship goals are surfacing, as you learn to be more assertive of your own needs (as well as your needs in partnerships). Deeper intimacy is available now. 

New health, fitness or work goals may be on the horizon. Amazing connections and relationships are being built now.

You’re filled with passionate energy and ready to take charge in making your creative projects or romantic relationships happen. Learn to enjoy the sweetness of life. 

There’s increased confidence and stability in your private life and you’re ready to start fresh with steady roots. The sweetness of life (think joy, passion, creativity) is your reward. 

Ideas are flowing in your head and you’re ready to shine in your community. Don’t be afraid of change, your home is your safety net.

You’re empowered to take charge of your finances and do what makes you feel safe. Opportunities may come through your close community—just trust the ideas in your head.

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